Friday, September 30, 2011

Emri and Her Sleeping Habits

A couple weeks ago Emri started falling asleep in strange places...

She had been playing and got a little too quiet so I went to see what she was doing and this is what I found... :)

She finished eating, adjusted, and...

I was changing her very poopy diaper and she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

She had been playing with the giraffe and crayons under my feet, when I noticed she was being rather still...

Emri is SO much fun and learning and changing so much!


  1. This makes me so happy.
    My little sister did this as a kid. She could fall asleep ANYWHERE, including on our linoleum staircase. I still don't get it. In fact, she's still kind of that way at the ripe age of 16...

    Btw, Emri is gorgeous. Can't wait to see your #2!

  2.'s awesome how kids can sleep anywhere. i like her name! thanks so much for coming by!
